Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chasing Funds That Just Aren't There

A suspicious call came over my phone yesterday afternoon. "Unknown" was the caller.

S/he left a message. I accessed it. The message stated it was Chase bank asking I call about a possible fraudulent activity on one of my bank accounts.

With the number having come up as "unknown" on my ID, I continued to be suspicious.

I called Chase at another number, one I knew would be on the up and up. V
arious coded verification run-arounds later, I explained the call received to "Cindy" who confirmed the call was legitimate and she would be happy to help me after further verifying I was who I claimed to be.

Moments later, and with verifications in place, she confirmed there had been some attempted fraudulent activity on one of my accounts: "Someone tried withdrawing $459.15 via your bank card. Of course that didn't happen and we were flagged. The attempt was made in Las Vegas. Have you been to Las Vegas recently, Mr. Noble?"

I hadn't. "Nope. Guess the joke was on them. That particular account has a mere $7.00 and change in it, a far cry from what they were trying to get ..."

"We will of course cancel that bank card, Mr. Noble, and issue you a new one. Can we send it to the address where you receive your statements?"

"No. I would prefer to run down and get one immediately. I can do that at any branch, correct? There's one a hop, skip and jump from me ..."

"Of course you can, Mr. Noble. I'll put a note on your account you'll be doing just that shorty. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Not a thing. Other than to note in your log that I appreciate Chase's efforts and customer service. Thank you, Cindy. Have a good rest of the afternoon."

30 minutes later - with additional verification in place and a few jokes tossed back and forth with several of the banking staff at my local bank branch - I had a new bank card.

You know? You don't want to go through any kind of fraud, but that crap happens. I'm appreciative my bank is on top of things.

Bankin' good times ...

.......... Ruprecht (banks at a fraud STOPper)

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