Monday, December 21, 2009

Wordsmithery, Part III

You've seen a few before ..... here and here.

Well, yet another writing assignment from my youngest daughter - for your dining and dancing pleasure:


Caring, kind and shy

Sibling of

Ryne, Riley

Lover of

Dogs, nature and horses

Who feels

Loved, safe and happy

Who needs

Understanding, generosity and friendship

Who gives

Kindness, love and friendship

Who fears

Earthquakes, spiders and heights

Who would like to see

Ant's point of view, Heaven and New York

Seriously ... where does she get this stuff ... ?!?!?

She's worried about playing her computer games ... reading her books ... watching her programs ... how long she's away from Bob The Dog ... bugging her sister ...

... and then something like this pops up?

You gotta love it .....

.............................. Ruprecht ( STOP )


  1. That is awesome, a lot of mature insight in that!

  2. Very well written! I hope she continues to develop the interest and talent!

  3. with a tear in my eye; a smile crosses my face.
