Thursday, November 19, 2015

T-Shirt Collection: Jack Kirby Marvel Characters (mostly)

It's pretty well-worn, I've had it for 15+ years and I still wear it.

Triton, Reed Richards, Captain America, The Silver Surfer, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Karnak, Thor, The Thing, Black Bolt, Gorgon, Black Panther, The Human Torch, Wyatt Wingfoot and a funkified Wolverine as done by The King himself, Jack Kirby. 

(Though ... don't know who drew that Wolverine as Kirby never drew the character in his career that anyone knows of ...)

.......... Ruprecht ( STOP )
- with assistance from (El) Ken Herrera and Jim "Dr. Dim" Fitzsimons

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

For Cats, Not Dogs

Excellent for cat owners. And people who can't stand cats and find themselves in homes with cats.

Won't work for dogs for long, however. Dogs will consider this a new play thing and chew the crap out of it.

Because they're dogs ... and aren't as easily amused as cats.

.......... Ruprecht ( just STOP petting cats and everything will be all right )
Unabashedly and shamelessly stolen from The Poke.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Some Advice

There's some truth here ...

.......... Ruprecht ( STOP )