Sunday, August 30, 2015

T-Shirt Collection: Dan Bois

A couple years ago, during San Diego Comic-Con in 2013, I picked up this pretty spiffy T-shirt from my good friend and artist Dan Bois who has been showing and selling at The Con for more years then I'm certain he'd care to admit. (Maybe not.)

It's one of my prized T-shirts with nifty graphics perpetrated by Dan himself. And printed in unique positions you don't often see on a shirt: on the sleeve and on the lower torso. Yes ... that makes it a bit difficult to photograph while you're wearing it ... but I took the challenge for what it's worth.

You can find his stuff for purchase here and frequent his (not all that up to date) blog here. (Hey ... the man's busy selling his wares and drawing -- he doesn't have time to keep his blog updated.)

.......... Ruprecht ( STOP )

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

T-Shirt Collection: Rattler Stout

Beer shirts? Yeah ... I've got a few of them. Because, you know ... beer.

Never did like the term "Cali." But I do like this shirt.

.......... Ruprecht ( STOP )

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Less Sugar

Quite possibly one of the most unnecessary items you will see today: Limited edition air freshener.

Limited. Edition. Air. Freshener.

*shakes head back and forth slowly*

"Hey, Mom! Remember to pick up some of that limited edition sugared cranberry air freshener at the store! It won't be around long, you know!"

"In fact ... pick up a couple!"

"Wait ... Better yet, I have an idea! Why not get limited edition sugared cranberry air freshener for everyone on our Christmas list! Won't they be thrilled ... !!!"

 .......... Ruprecht ( STOP limited edition sugared cranberry air freshener )

Friday, August 21, 2015

T-Shirt Collection: Underdog

An oldie ... but a goodie ...

.......... Ruprecht ( he may be pretty faded but you can't STOP Underdog )

Monday, August 17, 2015

A Bunch Of Different Passings ...

What an interesting day it's been so far.

And it's not over yet.

I retired last night knowing a good friend of mine - one who I've never met in person - was in a critical state and hospitalized.

This morning, I got the news she passed.

It brought me incredible sorrow and I mourn the loss with the deepest condolences to her family and with a sadness I haven't felt in a very long time.

Debra enjoying her granddaughter ...

I "met" Debra Cox in one of her personifications on the American Idol website along with a gaggle of other acquaintances during the 5th season of the show. That was some 10 years ago. Since that time, Debra has followed and "talked" with me through many a blog and website and social media incarnation. I could always count on her commenting or contributing something to my writings, be it a piece of wisdom, some humorous anecdote or a left of center side note. She was a Godly woman who made me laugh, shared some of her deepest concerns with (from what I gather) a very few close friends (of which I was one of them to a degree) and she gave me what-for a handful of times with regard to my thoughts. All of it was welcome.

There will be a hole in my heart at having lost such a genuinely caring and thoughtful soul. I will dearly miss her.

Direct ... from Sweden ... !!! 

On the flip side, I received an interesting package in the mail today, posters from Sweden of a musician who does his take on artist Bob Dorough, one of my favorite artists. Yes ... from Sweden. The gentleman who sent them to me was gracious enough dig them up and shoot them my way out of the goodness of his heart. I owe him a favor ... and soon.

The photographer obviously lives in a black and white world.
But Clark looks great in it.

Additionally, my friend Clark Brooks seems to have had a swinging and successful outing at Side Splitters on the left coast of the continent. If only I was closer to be able to support him and his efforts ... which are pretty damned good.

I built a table of discarded wood today, got another job offer (which ended up conflicting with the job I'm currently at now) and I'm entertaining a hundred thousand thoughts and concerns inside my head ... because I'm obviously bored and don't have anything to do. (Those who know me well know that's a bald-faced lie.)

And I haven't even taken off for work yet and I'm exhausted.

.......... Ruprecht ( STOP ) 
P.S. One of my favorite albums - XTC's Drums And Wires which launched my love affair with the band - was released 36 years ago this very day, too.

P.P.S. Hope you don't mind the borrow, Mr. Fenton

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Balanced Breakfast

Once in a great while (like this morning for instance) this is breakfast.

It's not nutritious ... but it is delicious. And a rare guilty, on-the-run pleasure.

You may envy me now.

.......... Ruprecht ( STOP )

P.S. I prefer the cherry but the berry will do.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

T-Shirt Collection: N. Pacific Coast

Just your average, everyday T-shirt.

.......... Ruprecht ( STOP )

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Makes Sense To Me

My buddy Clark Brooks posted this over the weekend*:


It boggles the mind there are those out there who would complain about such a thing.

It's a free meal. 

It's not something where a provider asked your opinion about what kind of meal you'd like. It's not a situation where the offerer went out of their way to ask about any dietary restrictions you might have. Or whether there's an option of a fruit substitution instead of fries. Or any other iteration.

It's simply a free meal, people. Nothing more. 

You have the option to partake of it or not. After all, it's free. Meaning it's free for you to indulge in it just as well as it's free for you to kindly refuse, thank you very much. 

That's it. Period. 

Whether it's upscale, finger sandwiches, chicken livers, tofu peanut butter and jelly on crackers, the bestower is offering it to you gratis. The proper thing to do is return a simple "thank you" for the gesture.

Of course if you want to be an ass, you can complain about the type of meal provided. But it's more appropriate to keep your piehole shut and accept what's offered graciously.

Understand, this isn't a case of political correctness. That's an entirely different animal. It's about common sense, social graces and appreciation. Two things a surprising (or not) number of folks are clueless on how to exhibit during the course of an otherwise average day. 

So why am I commenting on this and making a thing of it?

Well, whether or not it makes sense, I thought about Clark's post and rant above while watching CBS Sunday Morning this morning, specifically when the below video came on. Watching it, it came to mind the contrast of those who would choose to demean a free meal and this boy's actions made me think a goodly number of people could learn from the kid.

Yeah, I know: I may not be talking apples to apples here. And some of you might scratch your head and think I'm off the rails.

But it makes perfect sense to me.

.......... Ruprecht ( STOP )
*Clark's full and unaltered post may be seen on his FB page. I gratuitously altered it to make my point.